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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Spring Luncheon - See You in September?

 We closed out another garden club year with a pot luck luncheon at the Bailey Ranch.  The resident horses trotted out to welcome us as we drove along the winding entrance.  The weather was beautiful, and as you can see, the spot for our gathering was idyllic. 

Everyone brought a dish.  Of course there was food enough for an army.  All very tasty.  And this was just the main table!  Desserts were under an oak tree.  

The only note of sadness that intruded was the fact that our dear member, Marguerite, would not be joining us in the fall.  She and Scotty are moving to Texas nearer to their son.  We hope Scotty and Marguerite will enjoy their new home.  It'll certainly be different for these two sailors who traveled the world together in their own boat.  Maybe they'll find a large lake somewhere and get on the water with their new friends.

Smooth sailing on your new adventure, Marguerite.  You'll be missed!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Bash for Bartram 4/19/2014

on the nature trail bridge
Claire & Friend on Nature Trail
The weather was iffy and the skies threatened rain, but our Bashers were lucky and the precipitation held off until the close of the event.  The Garden Club of Switzerland set up their area near the entrance to Alpine Groves Park, next to our Butterfly Garden.  There, they could guide visitors through and describe the plants.  There were plenty of children's activities too.

handcrafted boat on display
Put yer left foot in, take yer left foot out
William Bartram Scenic and Historic Highway boothCloser to the St. Johns River, other groups had set up booths.  There was music, a handcrafted boat, and several historical characters onhand, including William Bartram himself and his Indian guide, Sawgrass.  Not much sunshine, but plenty of smiles.

posing in the garden
Arlene and daughter in the Club Butterfly Garden
a shetland pony and its owner

spiderwort at a water pump
Spiderworts like their soil damp.

Butterfly Garden
Club members give visitors a tour of the butterfly garden.