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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Our May Luncheon Closes out the Season

We celebrated the close of our season with our annual pot luck buffet at Sarah Bailey's NeedMore Ranch.  The weather was idyllic and the food excellent! 

Many thanks to our members who renewed and newbies who joined the club.  Your prompt dues payment makes the membership process SO MUCH EASIER now that the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs (FFGC) has put the member roster online!  We had a drawing for an appreciation gift to those who got their dues in that day.  Carolyn won the gift of a bluebird themed shopping bag, tea towels, journal, and accessory boxes.  Very appropriately won because she was the first member to submit her dues.  Enjoy, Carolyn!

May is our last meeting until September, when our 2015-16 season begins.  In the meantime, our Monarch Committee is sponsoring our first Bartram Trail Circle NABA Butterfly Count on 6/2 at Alpine Groves Park.  Over the summer you can find us tending to the Freedom Butterfly Garden and enjoying the wildlife it supports.  Consider stopping by to see the butterflies and other pollinators enjoying a sanctuary garden just for them!  If you take a photo, or have a question, please send it along to switzerlandgc@gmail.com  With your permission, we'll feature your picture (with you as the photographer) on this website.   You can also subscribe to our site.  Then you'll get the latest updates on what our local gardeners and our wildlife in the area are up to!
The first meeting is at the Bartram Trail Library from 10-noon on September 10 (2nd Thursday of the calendar around July to see what we have lined up.  And, of course you can email switzerlandgc@gmail.com for more details.
month).  We traditionally do not have a guest speaker for the first meeting, but you never know.  Our Executive Committee is gathering in early June to decide the schedule of events, speakers, and activities, so stay tuned!

Happy Summer!

Monday, May 11, 2015

A Bloomin' Busy April

April just flew by with a bloomin' bouquet of activities and awards.  Our boondoggle meeting at Alpine Groves was crowned with perfect weather for business and pleasure.  Our nominating committee requested the club vote for officers for the next two years, and we accepted their recommendations, voting Claire Fioriti president, Linda Mosier vice-president, Mickey Fraser secretary, and Dianne Battle treasurer.  In preparation for the Bartram Bash, Mickey brought in some grape vine cuttings and Beverly (pictured here) and Dianne busied themselves trimming lengths of it and making wreaths for our birds-nest soup wreath making activity.  "Lucky Claire" won the bluebird windchime that was raffled off; after winning the orchid in February and the wind chime in April, Claire has also become the "Lucky" member of the garden club.  Better luck next year, Louise!

Our garden was already humming with the wings of pollinators, including this weathered monarch, sunning itself (perhaps laying eggs) on a milkweed.  The condition of its wings suggested it has over-wintered here (the season being milder-than-average) or had encountered some disturbance (probably human, given that monarch's "poisonous" nature keeps it off the wildlife menu).  

While Dianne was taking these photos, she had the opportunity to talk with a mother and son about the monarchs and the gulf fritillary's special affection for the passionflower vine that was leafing out.                                                                                                


Our plans for the Bartram Birthday Bash and District IV Member meeting were well met in fact.  We did ourselves proud at the Happy Birthday Bash for William Bartram and were very proud of Beverly Fleming for winning the Fellow Man and Earth Woman 2015 award from the Stetson Kennedy Foundation.  Our officers attended the District IV meeting in Callahan and received on behalf of the club the FFGC Newsletter/Magazine/Publication award and the FFGC Digital Photography Award - Butterflies for Dianne Battle's photos of butterflies in her garden and in the club's Freedom Butterfly Garden; see April Awards for Our Garden Club

FFGC has been on top of several environmental issues, including the Florida Water and Land Legacy Amendment, which passed last November.  It has issued two Position Statements:  Ban Hydraulic Fracturing in Florida and Reduce Marine Plastic Pollution.  They are summarized on our Taking a Position for the Environment posting in the Resources section, and can be accessed by clicking on the document links here and in the right-column News on the home page, www.switzerlandgc.org.

Our next meeting on May 14 will be the members' Spring Potluck at Sarah Bailey's Needmore Ranch.  We'll share not only the news and happenings with you, but some of our garden club members' recipes that'll make you want to become a member.  And why not join us?  Membership drive begins on 5/18 and is only $20.  Contact SwitzerlandGC@gmail.com for more information, or see our Let's Stay in Touch Link.