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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

April - May Recap


winner of wreath
The Bartram Bash was enjoyed by everyone who came to Alpine Groves Park.  We had a monarch rearing cage complete with young caterpillars, grape vine wreaths and materials for birds nests.  The kids had a lot of fun with them.  More and more people expressed an interest in growing native plants; hopefully they'll contact us so we can help them acquire them and grow enough for a plant swap in the spring!  The happy lady in the photo won our raffle of a beautiful door wreath.  It will look wonderful on her front door!  Others got to take home a new plant to try out for their yard.

The monarch caterpillars are emerging strong and healthy.  The first one, a boy, was released yesterday at Alpine Groves butterfly garden.  We were hoping our latest arrival would be a girl, so we could name her Arlene and release her to find our boy, Arlo.  Instead, another boy emerged from his chrysalis.  We are going to release him in our yard so he can introduce himself to the other monarchs (especially the females).  We're naming him Teddy.  We still have two chrysalis waiting to emerge; maybe Arlene will be one of them!

butterfly emerging
boy butterfly


Arlene memory table

On a very sad note, a long time garden club member and former Master Gardener, Arlene Hendrickson, passed away in April.  The family held a lovely service by the St. Johns River near the Bennett House.  So many people had warm memories of Arlene from her work with children, to her gardening, and her loving relationships with her children and grandchildren.  As a special tribute, the grandchildren made wooden butterflies and painted them in bright colors with tender sentiments.  They are hanging in the butterfly garden.  They brighten it up considerably.  We'll also have bricks to install in the walkway in memory of  Arlene.  Many thanks to Arlene's friends and family for thinking of our native plants and butterflies!

Click to see the Free to Fly Slideshow

Our last meeting before summer will feature a gopher tortoise presentation by Garden Club of St. Augustine member, Steve Davies.  When his club found a gopher tortoise had dug a burrow in the middle of the clubhouse parking lot, Steve got busy to find out more about the animal and to protect it.  Not everyone is so conscientious about protecting gopher tortoises, which are protected by law.  We can't wait to hear about Parker, the tortoise who lives in the parking lot.

The public is invited to join us on 5/18 at 10:30AM at the Bartram Trail Library.  Our next program year begins in September.  Meetings will be scheduled on the 2nd Thursday at 10:30 from September through May (excluding December).  Topics will be posted at this website and in the Creekline.

Keep in mind, you are free to join our club!  Use the application form to join or to contact us with any questions or suggestions.   If you see us working in the butterfly garden, feel free to stop by and say hello.  We also welcome help, whether you are an experienced gardener or not.  And if you want a guided tour, we are at your service!