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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Garden in Summer

Want to take a fast trip to a faraway place?  Come on down to the Alpine Groves Native Plant Butterfly Garden.  Spend an hour with the plants that used to grow here before we brought those others in from Europe and Asia.  And bring your camera.  Carolyn came over from across the river with her trusty Nikon and got a shot of a favorite host for the gulf fritillary caterpillar:  the maypop.  Groovy!

She also caught a vision of the old plough, encircled in dewy lonicera.  She shared a couple of other photos too.  They are incorporated in our slide show on the Awards and Projects page.  She was especially moved by the fact that the garden is dedicated to our country's freedom and those who sacrifice for it.

We hope you enjoy the photos, and maybe get inspired to visit the garden yourself!  Thanks, Carolyn!  Have a Happy Independence Day!

PS - in case you missed it, the third week in June was National Pollinator Week.  Our own GTM Research Reserve didn't just celebrate pollinators for one week.  This author wrote a batch of "Weird Animal Wednesday" articles for their Facebook page about ALL the critters that pollinate our local flora.  See the our Resources post:  A Passel of Pollinators for the lineup!