In addition to the meeting's informative presentation by Mr. Lippi, our members were treated to Arlene's recounting of her elementary students' reaction to the Story of Pedro's Beard, a folktale about the origins of Spanish moss. The club was reminded that the Arbor Day Tree Seedling Giveaway (featuring several of our members) is on 1/16, 8:30-11AM at the Bartram Trail Library. Claire told us that District IV of the FFGC will be installing a Blue Star Memorial Marker at Jacksonville Memorial Cemetery 1/24 at 10AM, (see our Calendar). The St. Johns Sun published its inaugural issue with an article, "Right Tree, Right Place - The Right Thing to Do". Carolyn won our raffle tickets to the Jacksonville Symphony - yea!!! Beverly is back after her surgery (here she is telling us about the native Florida persimmon) and she shared her plans to install the bluebird houses we made in October - stay tuned.
While you're still here: did you sign up for the ESS Course, The Living Earth? By February 2, it will be too late.
This month's recycling tip: save the beautiful cards you get from friends and family. You can cut the pictures into interesting decorations for wreaths, ornaments, gifts, and labels. A good family or rainy day project that your recipients will appreciate! Send us your ideas to Reuse the Refuse!
Suggestion for the New Year: Let's improve stewardship of our trees; plant an appropriate one or two - can you say, "free seedlings," - and practice good maintenance. If you didn't do it twenty years ago, the second best time is now.