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Sunday, January 11, 2015

The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago.
  The second best time is now.

Our garden club got started off on the right foot with a full house of guests and members looking forward to Arbor Day in Florida, January 16.  Here we are looking back over our shoulders to greet our guest speaker, Master Arborist, Chuck Lippi.  There is nobody better qualified to entertain and educate us with humanity's foibles when it comes to planting and "caring for" trees. He had photos galore of the mistakes that professional landscapers, arborists and nurserymen routinely make, all in the name of giving the paying public what it should know better than to ask for.   Bad arboriculture will never die as long as there is a buck to be made from it - especially since its effects might not show up for years. The sad truth is that Mr. Lippi has made a steady, if not princely income doing triage on abused trees.

Crepe MurderThe author has a few tales of her own, and one  has even won her a prize by exposing the barbarous practice of crepe (and other species) murders in her "pruning" exposé, "The Killing Fields in Mandarin:  Secret of Winn-Dixie Plaza" - my winning photo was featured on the front page of the 2014 Southern Living Crepe Murder Contest (please go there and Like it).  Now is the time YOU can best appreciate this year's new crop of atrocities and even photograph them.  Submit your photo to the Grumpy Gardener's 2015 Crepe Murder contest  between 2/2 and 2/21/2015.  Like me, you could win an appropriately sized crepe myrtle for your special picture like the one here.

In addition to the meeting's informative presentation by Mr. Lippi, our members were treated to Arlene's recounting of her elementary students' reaction to the Story of Pedro's Beard, a folktale about the origins of Spanish moss. The club was reminded that the Arbor Day Tree Seedling Giveaway (featuring several of our members) is on 1/16, 8:30-11AM at the Bartram Trail Library.  Claire told us that District IV of the FFGC will be installing a Blue Star Memorial Marker at Jacksonville Memorial Cemetery 1/24 at 10AM, (see our Calendar).  The St. Johns Sun published its inaugural issue with an article, "Right Tree, Right Place - The Right Thing to Do".  Carolyn won our raffle tickets to the Jacksonville Symphony - yea!!!  Beverly is back after her surgery (here she is telling us about the native Florida persimmon) and she shared her plans to install the bluebird houses we made in October - stay tuned.

While you're still here:  did you sign up for the ESS Course, The Living Earth?  By February 2, it will be too late.

This month's recycling tip:  save the beautiful cards you get from friends and family.   You can cut the pictures into interesting decorations for wreaths, ornaments, gifts, and labels.  A good family or rainy day project that your recipients will appreciate!  Send us your ideas to Reuse the Refuse!

Suggestion for the New Year:  Let's improve stewardship of our trees; plant an appropriate one or two - can you say, "free seedlings," - and practice good maintenance.  If you didn't do it twenty years ago, the second best time is now.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 Article Archive

Happy New Year 2015!  Here are the current postings:  Resolution:  Recycle More in 2015 (Resources), Arbor Day and Upcoming ESS Course (including a link to my article on Arbor Day in the St. Johns Sun) and a News note about the Monarch Butterfly.  As for recycling, help us all be better stewards of the earth by submitting your ideas on how to Reuse-the-Refuse.  We'll feature them right here!

The close of this year marks the Garden Club of Switzerland's first full year of its website operation.  For a club of barely 20 members, there sure was a lot going on!  Below is an archive of the postings over the past year; no grass growing under our feet!

The author is happy to report sighting one of the two bald eagles that take up residence across our pond.  Learn about eagles and their nesting sites in St. Johns County; maybe we'll see some fledglings again this year!

And do take a moment to enjoy these microscopic photos of snowflakes from Scientific American and appreciate the first man to actually photograph one in 1885Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley.  His passion for these wondrous creations is summed up in this quote:

"Under the microscope, I found that snowflakes were miracles of beauty; and it seemed a shame that this beauty should not be seen and appreciated by others. Every crystal was a masterpiece of design and no one design was ever repeated. When a snowflake melted, that design was forever lost. Just that much beauty was gone, without leaving any record behind." 

                                                 Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley 1925

An inspiration to each of us to appreciate each day's miracles, which like snowflakes, are unique and evanescent.