We are happy to play our part in supporting nature and contributing to its enjoyment and understanding. January's Creekline newspaper features an article, "Bluebirds Beat the February Blues," encouraging our fellow residents to follow our example and provide habitat for Eastern Bluebirds. By having a suitable bluebird house waiting for them, you can help ensure the survival of the next generation and enjoy the experience of seeing a bluebird family grow. These beautiful and shy birds usually return to our area in late February. However, it's been so warm this past month, thanks to an El Nino weather system, the author has already seen some small flocks investigating the bluebird houses in her back yard!
The January issue of The St. Johns Sun features a look back to January 2015, when Master Arborist, Chuck Lippi, was our presenter for Florida Arbor Day. The article, "Adventures in Arboriculture," recounted Chuck's descriptions of all the wrong ways to plant and maintain trees. See all Our Published Articles at our About Us page. Don't forget our Blog Archives for 2015.
This January we are planning a trip to the Guana-Tolomato-Matanzas National Estuary Research Reserve (GTMNERR) near Vilano Beach. The GTMNERR encompasses 74,000 acres of coastal lands in northeast Florida from Ponte Vedra Beach to Palm Coast. It is part of a national system of research reserves that focus on research, education and stewardship. In February, we'll be back at the Bartram Trail Library for a presentation by Master Gardener, Shirley Barber, "Beautiful Gardens Begin with Seed." See our calendar for this and other program event descriptions. The public is welcome, but we ask that you Contact Us, so we can provide sufficient refreshments
As you can see, we are a friendly group always interested in sharing our learning and love of gardening and the environment. You are welcome to join us as a member. Your garden club membership also connects you to a wider network of state, regional, and national garden clubs, which have a variety of events and programs to enjoy!
Happy New Year!