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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Support Our Pollinators (and Their Children), October 19

The presentation,  "Support Our Pollinators and Their Children," is now back on the schedule.  See the calendar link for October on our Events and Calendar page.  Note the presentation is on the THIRD THURSDAY not the second.  Participants will be able to make a bee house (while supplies last).  Contact us here if you want to make one.

And mark your calendar for November 9, when Master Gardener, Shirley Barber will be back to show us more gardening tips.  While we're at it, here's her advice for keeping her tools sterile - preventing the spread of disease!  When finished with your gardening chores, soak your tools in a solution of 10% bleach and 90% water for 15 minutes and rinse off.  See our Resources tip on Maintaining your Garden Tools for Dave's Garden.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Edibles in the Landscape

Edibles in the landscape.  Join The Garden Club of Switzerland on September 14, where Master Gardener, Barbara Purple, walks us through the many plants that not only brighten the landscape but can be used as food sources.  Beautyberry is one such plant that takes center stage in the fall.  The juice from its berries can be made into a jam, or drunk as a beverage.  Birds love the drupes and spread the plants far and wide from the seed.  Some of these plants are not edible unless prepared properly.

 Another popular way of using edibles in the landscape is called foodscaping.  Plants like these not only have decorative value but can be eaten (generally without a lot of processing to remove toxins).  Such plants are not necesarily native.  If you do edible landscaping be careful what chemical (and organic) treatments you apply.  Pesticides and fungicides, if used, should not be used in a way that renders the food plant dangerous.

Remember that your edible landscaping may be particularly attractive to wildlife.  Unless you plant specifically for wildlife use techniques that will allow you to reap the benefits of your efforts.

The meeting is open to the public.  It starts at 10AM and runs until 12:30 in the front Bartram room of the Bartram Trail Library..  Master Gardeners may receive CEUs for attending.