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Friday, August 23, 2024

Speak, Friend, and Enter

An ADA-accessible walkway offers access to the garden
It didn't take long for the County to act on this feature.  We can't wait to fill in the border and to get our old garden bench moved from its current location to this area next to the walkway.

This will make the garden entrance not only accessible but inclusive.  An invitation to come on down and enjoy the plants and animals.  Please remember, however, that this garden does not have maid service, so take nothing but pictures and make sure everything is tidy and inviting for the next guests.

this bench can be moved to create a gathering place
Move this bench next to the walkway to create a gathering spot.

Steve Davies installs a bird bath
Steve Davies with the newly-installed birdbath

And a great big "thank-you" to Steve Davies of the Garden Club of St. Augustine for helping me move the birdbath to the garden.  It's color matches the flowers and berries of the firebush, red sage, and rouge plant that surround it - not only emphasizing the chromatics but the plants themselves offer convenient cover from the raptors that keep a keen eye out for a prospective meal.  Now, I just have to find that solar water fountain I put in my car last year...


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Work Gets Going on Garden Accessibility

The frame for a concrete pad and walkway has been laid.  It is approximately 12x12 feet in size and is in the north (shady) side of the garden.  It is easily wide enough to accommodate visitors using a wheel chair.  We may be able to get accessible seating for those in walkers.  If you look at the right side of the photo you'll see some bags of leveling sand.  Behind them is a fully functional spigot with pressure equivalent to that of an outside garden hose.

We plan to move the original garden bench (on the south sunny side of the garden) next to the concrete pad.  We'll have to remove some firebushes.  We may be able to get enough roots to give these plants away.  The bench will end right next to the "broken pot" sculpture.  It should be fun.  The place the bench used to occupy can host additional blooming native nectar plants.

The work that has been done was made possible by a grant from the Tower Foundation using outside contractors.  Here's hoping the County has time to do the additional work to make this idea a reality.