Happy New Year 2015! Here are the current postings: Resolution: Recycle More in 2015 (Resources), Arbor Day and Upcoming ESS Course (including a link to my article on Arbor Day in the St. Johns Sun) and a News note about the Monarch Butterfly. As for recycling, help us all be better stewards of the earth by submitting your ideas on how to Reuse-the-Refuse. We'll feature them right here!
The close of this year marks the Garden Club of Switzerland's first full year of its website operation. For a club of barely 20 members, there sure was a lot going on! Below is an archive of the postings over the past year; no grass growing under our feet!
The author is happy to report sighting one of the two bald eagles that take up residence across our pond. Learn about eagles and their nesting sites in St. Johns County; maybe we'll see some fledglings again this year!
And do take a moment to enjoy these microscopic photos of snowflakes from Scientific American and appreciate the first man to actually photograph one in 1885: Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley. His passion for these wondrous creations is summed up in this quote:
"Under the microscope, I found that snowflakes were miracles of beauty; and it seemed a shame that this beauty should not be seen and appreciated by others. Every crystal was a masterpiece of design and no one design was ever repeated. When a snowflake melted, that design was forever lost. Just that much beauty was gone, without leaving any record behind."
Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley 1925
An inspiration to each of us to appreciate each day's miracles, which like snowflakes, are unique and evanescent.
If you missed an article published in 2014, here is an easy way to find it. You can also get to this list by going to the Our Website Archive link in the right column of the About Us page
- Happy Birthday St. Johns County Agricultural Extension
- Welcome Spring! Our February Garden Party at Alpine Groves
- Spring Comes in with a Shiver - Happy Vernal Equinox
- Spring Has Come - How Will We Cope?
- A National Symbol?
- Bald Eagle Nests
- Laissez Fumier Roule
- No More Orange Juice With Breakfast?
- Bartram is Bashing at Alpine Groves
- April is the Busiest Month
- Saturday 4/12 and 4/19
- Resources for Understanding, Identifying and Preventing Citrus Greening
- No Bake Walnut Honey Granola Crumbles
- Wild Sour Orange Marmalade Balls (no baking)
- Honey: Making Good Use of It
- Spring Luncheon - See You in September?
- The Bash for Bartram 4/19/2014
- The Coontie - Northern Florida's Answer to the Sago
- Local Farms Come to You!
- The Garden in Summer
- District IV Course Planning Meeting
- The Name of the Rose
- Carrot-Zucchini Nut Bread
- Honey Maid Graham Muffins
- A Passel of Pollinators
- Springtime in the Garden: Slideshow
- Is It a Bird? Is It a Plane? NO! It's SuperMoon
- Never too Late to Acknowledge a Friend
- Roses for Florida
- District IV Course Planning Meeting #2
- "Lucky Louise" Cleans up at September's Kickoff Meeting
- Seven for a September Bouquet - Balance and Hue
- District IV Meeting 10/10
- For Donna Keathley
- Super Harvest Moon, Monday 9/8, First Meeting Thursday
- Why is it Called a Harvest Moon?
- Farm-to-Family to Our Garden Club
- Support Your Local Monarchs! by Mickey Fraser, President
- Old Settler's Reunion October 25
- How Do You Spell Organic? K-Y-V
- Oh the Fun We Had! by Carolyn Mullinax, Treasurer
- Celebration, Appreciation and Dedication*
- We're an Official Monarch Waystation
- Art in the Garden and Christmas at Hastings
- Honoring Palmetto Country's Own Stetson Kennedy**
*At publication time, Mickey's name was misspelled. It is now corrected.
**At the time of publication, the photo of the woman speaking at the site's dedication was incorrectly identified as his wife, Joyce. The speaker was in fact Kennedy's wife, Sandra Parks Kennedy. Many thanks to Beverly Fleming for identifying the error on 1/1/2015.
Don't forget to visit the current (January 2015) postings described at the top of this article featuring a photo of the Christmas-blooming cacti that Marguerite gave the author. Their blooms, which synchronized perfectly with those of my own Christmas cactus, were a delight.
Wishing everyone a bright and beautiful New Year!
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